Four Points Bulletin

Travels north, east, south, and west of our Oceanside home base.

We absolutely love Anza Borrego Desert. It is a quick escape from the dense population that comes with living so close to the beach. The definition of a “well trafficked hike” even changes as you follow your compass east. So often this is just what we need, a little elbow room.

“The Slot” trail in Anza Borrego is really special. Although there are more epic slot canyons on earth, there are none that are so close. It is especially fun when you see some of the curved passageways and wonder if you stand a chance of squeezing through. If these canyons were any more narrow, the only animals passing through would be coyotes, stink bugs, and toddlers. After maneuvering through the fifty foot tall sandstone, concretion filled canyon walls, the wash eventually opens up. A short explore of some nearby wind caves leads to rewarding views of deserted desert badlands.

4 thoughts on “The Slot, Anza Borrego Desert

  1. tagpipspearl says:

    Wonderful photos! Looks a bit like Namibia. And the blue sky photo is very nice.

    1. If the Slot looks like Namibia then Namibia is definitely a place that I want to go!

  2. Denise says:

    It’s funny. A stink bug was the only live thing we shared our slot canyon hike with, too. What a great post about an amazing place. I love it there. Anza Borrego is a true treasure! I’m heading back in March. I’m hoping for some flowers.

    1. I think we will be back in a few weeks! The weather now is perfect.

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